Joshua Lederberg Receives The Institute of Medicine David Rall Medal
Joshua Lederberg was awarded The Institute of Medicine (IOM) David Rall Medal at the IOM annual meeting in October. The medal honors “his exemplary leadership as chair or co-chair of several IOM committees, including his current leadership of the Working Group on Biological Weapons Control, and the Committee on Emerging Microbial Threats to Health in the 21st Century, as well as his past leadership of several other projects including the Forum on Emerging Infections, which Lederberg chaired for four years. In each of these activities, his leadership and direction have been crucial to the impact of the studies and the excellence of the reports produced.”
Recipient of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1958 for his work in bacterial genetics, Lederberg is an internationally recognized microbial geneticist and one of America's preeminent scientists. He is a member of both the IOM and the National Academy of Sciences and has served as a member of boards, committees, and working groups for both institutions. A graduate of Columbia University and Yale University, Lederberg is currently professor emeritus of molecular genetics and informatics at Rockefeller University. (IOM - Oct. 15, 2002)