About the New Scholar Award in Aging
New Scholar awards provide support for newly independent investigators in the first 3 years after their postdoctoral training, when they are establishing their own labs and their careers are at a vulnerable stage. These awards contribute to a safety net that allows bright young scientists to staff their laboratories, collect preliminary data, and organize research programs of sufficient momentum to obtain ongoing support from other sources. New Scholar awards provide funding up to $50,000 per year for a four year period.
New Scholar candidates are investigators who are nominated by U.S. medical institutions and universities for their outstanding promise in aging research. Invited institutions will nominate one candidate. Prospective candidates are encouraged to consult this website for more information about the goals and objectives of the Aging Program and eligibility requirements under Application Procedures. Depending upon the number of nominations submitted and the qualifications of the nominees, at least 10 scholars will be selected.
New Scholar applications are solicited by invitation only. Invitations for nomination of a New Scholar candidate are sent to eligible institutions annually in the fall. Institutions not currently invited may contact Dr. Richard L. Sprott
to discuss an application for inclusion in the program.
For further information, contact: Richard L. Sprott, Ph.D. Executive Director The Ellison Medical Foundation 4710 Bethesda Avenue Suite 204 Bethesda, MD 20814-5226 (301) 657-1830 (Phone) (301) 657-1828 (Fax) Contact Dr. Sprott |