EMF funding provides greater access to genetic resources for researchers in aging EMF awards to The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine are providing greater availability and access to genetic resources for aging research. Construction of a new Genetic Repository Center, funded by the Ellison Medical Foundation, will consolidate small mouse colonies into a single breeding facility. This consolidation will facilitate handling and distribution of these resources to investigators in aging research. The resources will include models for neurological diseases, and heart, lung, blood and sleep disorders. Additional EMF funds will support research and education on cryopreservation techniques. Scientists from around the world will receive training through courses on cryopreservation and other reproductive techniques with the goal of furthering the use of cryopreserved embryos or reproductive cells of mice. This would provide for more cost effective distribution of the resources to investigators and would allow replication to take place in a laboratory at the investigator’s institution (see
http://www.jax.org/news/ellison_foundation_gifts.html ). |